Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Welcome back Furmanites of NV-B!

Hey errybody! My name is Philip and I'm going to be your CA here in North Village B. For those of you new to the village and even those of you who will be returning, you may be wondering what exactly a CA is. They've changed the name from RA (Resident Assistant) of North Village to CA (Community Assistant) of North Village. This is simply because they realize that the apartments don't function quite the same as the residence halls. Aside from that, I'm here for all the same reasons your old RA would have been there for and am happy to help you however I can.

The change to CA isn't the only thing that Housing and Residence Life has changed since last year! You will notice when you arrive to campus (or if you already have) that you are not longer signing the same small, half-sheet of paper when you get your keys as you have in the past. Those papers (called RICs) have been replaced with bigger sheets that we're calling RCRs. The difference is that these new sheets are far more specific and give YOU the upper hand when it comes to closing at the end of the year. You can go to the link in the sidebar and enter the condition of the various component of your apartment and room. The more detailed you are, the less likely it will be that you will be assessed at the end of the year! (If you haven't arrived to campus yet, don't worry. You'll have all of this explained to you when you move in as well.)

This blog will be a great place for you to check for updates about the goings on of North Village and any programs we have planned for you guys and other important notices like fire safety inspections. So bookmark it in your browser and check in every so often. I'm also going to be adding important links in the sidebar that will make your lives easier! (Example - maintenance requests! :D) So, this blog should hopefully prove relatively useful at some point in the year. 

Other than that, I'm very excited to be living in North Village, and I can't wait to see all these rooms filled for the year! Safe travels!


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