Wednesday, November 2, 2011

eHow to make BFFLs

Do you struggle making friends? 
That's weird. 
Ok, not really. We actually live in a culture where "intimacy is dying." How often do we walk through the halls of an academic building, down one of the many uselessly-placed sidewalks on campus, or take a lap around the lake and see someone we know? It's a relatively small campus, so it definitely happens a lot. Next question: Of these people we see, how many of them do we really know? Do we just say "hi" to them or do we stop and ask them how they are doing. 

November is the month of Meaningful Interpersonal Relationships. Let's use wikipedia to understand what an interpersonal relationship means. 

"An interpersonal relationship is an association between two or more people that may range from fleeting to enduring. "

Ok... that was an interpersonal relationship. When we add MEANINGFUL to this phrase, we get an entirely new concept - a relationship in which a true understanding and caring is applied. So, take a few tips from my friend, here, and next time you see that person walking down the hallway, take a moment to ask them how they are. It could be exactly what they need!

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