Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Fire, Electricity, and... Recycling bins

Hello all!

I will make this simple and straight-forward! :D

-There will be a campus-wide power reset on Sunday, October 2 from 7:00am - 3:30pm.

Fire Safety Inspections will be happening through next week!
(If you want to schedule a specific time to have it done, please email me. Otherwise, It wille be done at a time that will be emailed to you.)

-I know that many of you want recycling bins. Here is what happened. They bins were originally put into the laundry rooms (Where some of you may have obtained one). If you did, great! Keep it! If you have not, the reason is because they have recollected them. They are buying new bins and will redistribute them soon.
I NEED TO KNOW WHO DOES AND WHO DOES NOT HAVE A BIN. EVERY apartment needs to let me know whether or not they have one. 


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