Thursday, September 15, 2011

Important! Avoid incidents!

Fellow B habitants,

Heads up!

Unfortunately, Housing can't let you keep your desk chairs on your balcony. This is due to the fact that they can rust and cause a HUGE pain for the custodians at the end of the year. So, if you have any furniture on your balcony that belongs inside your room or apartment, please make sure it stays inside!

Also, you've all been doing a great job at keeping bikes and mopeds clear from the sidewalks, and our custodian is greatly appreciative! You guys rock!

Also, there seem to be some rumors buzzing around that our beloved B has become somewhat of a party location. While we certainly hope they are nothing but rumors, just be aware that the fines associated with disruptive partying can potentially be rather severe. So, don't put yourself in that position!

Keep up the awesome,

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