Thursday, September 15, 2011

Free food?????

Hey guys!
Welp, we're three weeks into school and I'm already exhausted... I'm sure many of you can relate! FORTUNATELY, we have a great opportunity to enjoy some FREE downtime without even leaving campus! Tomorrow night from 6-8, the North Village Block Party is going down, and we want ALL of you to be there!
It is really, truly free!
We can't wait to see you!
AND it's a good chance for any of you who still haven't gotten a chance to meet me to do so :) How much better can it get?! >.<

In the meantime, I leave you with two fantastic links:

If I had an iPhone, I'd be doing this ALL the time -

And for those of you who just CAN'T get that song stuck out of your heads -

See you tomorrow!

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